Santa Barbara Basin foraminiferal transcriptomes


This document is meant to provide the code necessary to reproduce the differential expression analyses performed in the accompanying paper (Gomaa et al. 2021 Science Advances).

A full description of the sample collection is given in the manuscript. Briefly, the study focused on two foraminiferal species from the Santa Barbara Basin, Nonionella stella and Bolivina argentea. Sediment samples were taken, from which some N. stella and B. argentea were immediately isolated and preserved onboard the ship, while the rest of the sample was transported to the laboratory for incubation under varying atmospheric conditions (aerated, hypoxia, anoxia, and euxinia) with or without resupplying nitrate and peroxide, both of which are present in their natural sediments and become depleted over time. From all samples, two libraries were prepared for transcriptome sequencing - metatranscriptomes prepared with NuGEN Trio kits to capture the bulk community transcription of the forams and any associated bacteria or archaea, and host-enriched transcriptomes using polyA capture to enrich for eukaryotic mRNAs. Host transcriptomes were pooled and sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq (two lanes), and metatranscriptomes were sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq (two runs). Transcripts were assembled de novo with Trinity according to the developer’s recommendations.

Differential expression

The transcript abundances, functional annotations, and RapClust transcript/cluster associations wereanalyzed in R with edgeR using limma.

The inputs can be found at this FigShare DOI.

The following libraries were used at various points:



## Warning: package 'limma' was built under R version 3.6.2


## Warning: package 'edgeR' was built under R version 3.6.2

First, the various data were read into R, and the separate Interpro and EggNOG functions were formatted for combination:

# get functional info
target <- "NstellaConcat"

genecalls <- read.csv(paste0(target,'TrinityAll-genecalls.txt'), sep = '\t')
dups <- read.csv(paste0(target,'TrinityAll-DUPLICATES.txt'), sep = '\t')  ## ONLY FOR NSTELLA 

rapclust <- read.csv(paste0(target,'_mag.flat.clust'), sep = "\t", header = F)

eggnog <- read.csv(paste0(target,"_eggnog.emapper.annotations"), sep="\t", header=F, skip = 4,
                   col.names = c("query_name","seed_eggNOG_ortholog","seed_ortholog_evalue","seed_ortholog_score","best_tax_level","Preferred_name","GOs","EC",
                                 "KEGG_ko","KEGG_Pathway","KEGG_Module","KEGG_Reaction","KEGG_rclass", "BRITE","KEGG_TC","CAZy","BiGG_Reaction","tax_scope",
eggnog$query_name <- gsub("_.*$","", as.character(eggnog$query_name))
eggnog <- eggnog[-grep("^#", eggnog$query_name),] # drop rows with comments, usually last few lines

# drop duplicate annotations for duplicate/identical sequences ID'd by salmon and skipped
eggnog <- eggnog[!(eggnog$query_name %in% genecalls$gene_callers_id[genecalls$contig %in% dups$DuplicateTxp]),]      ## ONLY FOR NSTELLA

counts_salmon_raw <- read.csv(paste0(target,'TrinityAll-salmon-counts.txt'), sep = "\t", header = F)
colnames(counts_salmon_raw) <- c("sample","ctg","length","effective_length","tpm", "num_reads_mapped")

funcs <- read.csv(paste0('interpro-results-fmt-',target,'TrinityAll.tsv'), sep = "\t")

funcs <- funcs[order(funcs$source, funcs$e_value),]  # sort for grabbing the top of multiples
funcs$gene_callers_id <- gsub("_.*$","", as.character(funcs$gene_callers_id))
# drop duplicate annotations for duplicate/identical sequences ID'd by salmon and skipped
funcs <- funcs[!(funcs$gene_callers_id %in% genecalls$gene_callers_id[genecalls$contig %in% dups$DuplicateTxp]),]   # ONLY FOR NSTELLA

funcs <- distinct(funcs, source, gene_callers_id, .keep_all=T)  # take only the best e-value hit per gene per program if multiple

# get names of the transcripts on which each gene is found
funcs$transcript <- as.character(genecalls$contig)[as.numeric(as.character(funcs$gene_callers_id))]
eggnog$transcript <- as.character(genecalls$contig)[as.numeric(as.character(eggnog$query_name))]

Note that this script processes one species + transcriptome combination at a time (e.g., N. stella polyA or N. stella Trio), as specified by the target variable. Also, for N. stella, duplicate transcripts were collapsed by running the lines with the comment ## ONLY FOR NSTELLA; for B. argentea there were no duplicates and so these lines were not run.

At this point, the RapClust data are in the format transcript cluster. This information was then used to combine transcripts, abundances, functions:

# make a dict of transcript IDs and corresponding RapClust clusters
rapDict <- setNames(rapclust$V1, rapclust$V2)

# lump by rapClusters
funcs$cluster <- as.character(funcs$transcript) # copy transcripts to new column to use in renaming
clustersForFunctions <- as.character(rapDict[as.character(funcs$cluster)]) # get clusters, in the order in which they occur in funcs
funcs$cluster[funcs$cluster %in% names(rapDict)] <- clustersForFunctions[!]  # order is the same, so just drop the NAs and slot in
eggnog$cluster <- as.character(eggnog$transcript) # copy transcripts to new column to use in renaming
clustersForFunctions <- as.character(rapDict[as.character(eggnog$cluster)]) # get clusters, in the order in which they occur in funcs
eggnog$cluster[eggnog$cluster %in% names(rapDict)] <- clustersForFunctions[!]  # order is the same, so just drop the NAs and slot in


# spread out by InterPro source (Pfam, etc) so can combine with eggnog
funcs <- spread(funcs[,!(colnames(funcs) %in% c('e_value', 'accession'))], source, function.) # drop accessions (e.g. PF0000) and evalue to avoid needless dups
funcs <- merge(funcs, eggnog, by.x = 'gene_callers_id', by.y = 'query_name', all = T)  # 1st 3 rows are from the eggnog header junk that was skipped CHECK
funcs <- mutate(funcs, cluster=coalesce(cluster.x, cluster.y), transcript=coalesce(transcript.x, transcript.y))  # not all genes got annotated by both, so combine
funcs <- funcs[,-which(colnames(funcs) %in% c('cluster.x','cluster.y','transcript.x','transcript.y'))]

# convert factors to characters, then group by RapClust cluster and flatten all the character columns (transcript, Pfam, etc) for each cluster into |separated list
clustHomogeneity <- mutate_if(funcs, is.factor, as.character) %>% group_by(cluster) %>% summarise_if(is.character, function(x) paste(unique(x), collapse="|"))
clustHomogeneity <-
clustHomogeneity <- clustHomogeneity[-nrow(clustHomogeneity),]  # drop last row as this has no clusterID


# overwrite transcript IDs, in column 'ctg' with clusters
counts_salmon_raw$ctg <- as.character(counts_salmon_raw$ctg)
counts_salmon_raw$ctg[counts_salmon_raw$ctg %in% names(rapDict)] <-
  as.character(rapDict[as.character(counts_salmon_raw$ctg[counts_salmon_raw$ctg %in% names(rapDict)])])

# print number of transcript clusters for the record

The metadata for each sample (e.g., oxygen condition, nitrate or peroxide addition, etc) was then extracted from the sample names and used to construct a treatment table to use for model creation.

metadata <- unique(as.character(counts_salmon_raw$sample))

# make a dataframe of all the samples, to have all the metadata from each sample
metadata <- data.frame(oxygen = metadata,  condition = metadata, check = metadata, stringsAsFactors = F)

# now just extract the treatment/condition info from each name with gsub
metadata$oxygen[grepl("[Aa]noxia", metadata$oxygen) & grepl("[Ss]ulfide", metadata$oxygen)] <- "anoxiaSulfide"
metadata$oxygen[grepl("[Aa]noxia", metadata$oxygen) & !grepl("[Ss]ulfide", metadata$oxygen)] <- "anoxiaOnly"
metadata$oxygen[grep("[Hh]ypoxia", metadata$oxygen)] <- "hypoxia"
metadata$oxygen[grep("[Ss]hip", metadata$oxygen)] <- "ship"
metadata$oxygen[grep("[Aa][e]*r[e]*ated", metadata$oxygen)] <- "aerated"

metadata$condition[grep("[Bb]oth", metadata$condition)] <- "both"
metadata$condition[grep("NO3|[Nn]itrate", metadata$condition)] <- "nitrate"
metadata$condition[grep("H2O2|[Pp]eroxide", metadata$condition)] <- "peroxide"
metadata$condition[grep("[Cc]ontrol", metadata$condition)] <- "control"
metadata$condition[grep("[Aa][e]*r[e]*ate|[Ss]hip",metadata$condition)] <- "NONE"

# get the order of factor levels right for each treatment, and set the baseline treatment as the first level to be the control later on
metadata <- metadata
metadata$oxygen <- factor(metadata$oxygen)
metadata$oxygen <- relevel(metadata$oxygen, "ship")   ## IMPORTANT this sets the baseline for OXYGEN
metadata$condition <- factor(metadata$condition)
metadata$condition <- relevel(metadata$condition, "both")   ## IMPORTANT this sets baseline for CONDITION
rownames(metadata) <- metadata$check

metadata$concat <- factor(paste0(metadata$oxygen, "-", metadata$condition))

A function was then written to take the counts for each transcript and combine them by RapClust cluster. During this step, RapClust clusters consisting entirely of unannotated transcripts were dropped as they complicated the analysis but could not be directly interpreted.

# get matrix for deseq
processCounts <- function(counts, dropUnannotated=F){
  counts <- dcast(counts, ctg ~ sample, value.var = 'num_reads_mapped', fun.aggregate = sum)  # sum adds together rapclust-binned transcripts
  rownames(counts) <- counts$ctg
  counts <- as.matrix(counts[,-1])
  print(paste0(nrow(counts)," - this many transcripts/bins"))
  if (dropUnannotated){
    counts <- counts[unique(as.character(clustHomogeneity$cluster)),]
    print(paste0("Left with ", nrow(counts)," transcripts/bins after dropping unannotateds"))
  # fix any NAs introduced from contigs not having any reads mapped and so being introduced as NAs when reshaping
  counts[] <- 0
  print('NAs fixed')

Note that since the experimental design was not fully factorial (i.e., shipboard and aerated samples do not have nitrate/peroxide amendments), the design can be thought of as two separate experiments: one of various oxygen treatments and one of amendment.

# make rectangular (clusters/tx by samples)
counts_salmon <- processCounts(counts_salmon_raw, dropUnannotated = T)

counts_salmon_oxygen <- counts_salmon[,metadata$check[!(metadata$condition %in% c('nitrate','peroxide'))]]
counts_salmon_amendment <- counts_salmon[,metadata$check[metadata$condition %in% c('both','control')]]

Functions were then written to create a model matrix for samples included in a counts matrix, turn the counts data into a DGE structure used by edgeR and normalize the counts, and fit the model to the normalized data with lmFit() using mean/variance estimation by voom():

# function to set up the model
makeModel <- function(countsMatrix, m = metadata, metadataCol="condition", legendPos='bottomright'){
  # limma design
  limma_design_bolovina <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~",metadataCol)), data = m[colnames(countsMatrix),])  # treatments relative to "control"
  limma_design_bolovina <- limma_design_bolovina[,colSums(limma_design_bolovina) > 0]

makeModel(counts_salmon_nitrate, metadataCol = 'oxygen')

makeDGE <- function(counts = counts_salmon_hypoxia, mCol="condition", design = makeModel(counts, metadataCol = mCol)) {
  counts <- counts[,rownames(design)]
  # reload the trimmed set
  d <- DGEList(counts = counts)
  # normalize with TMM
  d <- calcNormFactors(d)

fitModel <- function(counts = counts_salmon_hypoxia, mCol="condition"){ 
  design <- makeModel(counts, metadataCol = mCol)
  d <- makeDGE(counts = counts, design = design)
  v <- voom(d, design, plot = T)
  # linear fit the voom estimation
  f <- lmFit(v, design)
  f <- eBayes(f)

A model was then fit for the oxygen treatments, and separately, for the nitrate/peroxide amendments.

fit_salmon_oxygen <- fitModel(counts_salmon_oxygen, mCol='oxygen')
fit_salmon_amendment <- fitModel(counts_salmon_amendment, mCol='condition')

Two custom plotting functions were then written to take the normalized counts data, subset to speficied functions, and aggregate the normalized expression by taking the mean of samples per treatment level (e.g. the mean of all ‘anoxia control’ samples).

The first function, plotCpmByTreat() plots the CPM values for the specified data as a heatmap.

The second function, plotPieByTreat() plots the CPM values as dot size, and apportions the dot by color as a pie chart based on taxonomy.

plotCpmByTreat <- function(f = fit, dge=dge_salmon, functions = funcs, m = metadata, contrastCols = c(2), keepN = 100, func.source = 'Pfam', clust=F,
                               customGenes=NULL, sumByFunction=T, collapseTo='concat', minLFC=2, abbrevFunctions=T, customScale=NULL) {
    # get log cpm differential expression
    de <- cpm(dge, log = F, prior.count = 0)
    if (is.null(customGenes)) {
      genesToKeep <- rownames(topTable(f, coef = contrastCols, lfc=minLFC, number = keepN))
    } else {
      genesToKeep <- unique(customGenes)
      genesToKeep <- genesToKeep[genesToKeep %in% rownames(de)]
      if (length(genesToKeep) < length(customGenes)) {
        print(paste0("WARNING!!! You asked for ", length(customGenes), " but ", length(customGenes) - length(genesToKeep), " didn't exist. Is there a reason?"))
    plotCPM <- melt(de[genesToKeep,])
    colnames(plotCPM) <- c('Transcript','Sample','CPM')
    plotCPM$Treatment <- m[as.character(plotCPM$Sample), collapseTo]
    deDist <- vegdist(de[genesToKeep,], method = 'euc')
    deClust <- hclust(deDist, method = 'average')
    sampDist <- vegdist(t(de[genesToKeep,]), method='euc')
    sampClust <- hclust(sampDist, method='average')
    # group samples by treatment
    if (clust) {
      plotCPM$Sample <- factor(plotCPM$Sample, levels=sampClust$labels[sampClust$order])
    } else {
      plotCPM$Treatment <- factor(plotCPM$Treatment, levels = sort(unique(as.character(plotCPM$Treatment))))
      plotCPM$Sample <- factor(plotCPM$Sample, levels = unique(as.character(plotCPM$Sample[order(plotCPM$Treatment)])))

    # subset functions and make rownames
    rownames(functions) <- as.character(functions$cluster)
    # get the functions in the right order
    functions <- as.character(functions[as.character(plotCPM$Transcript),func.source])
    functions[] <- ""  # make na's blank strings so doesn't skip over
    if (abbrevFunctions == T) {
      functions <- gsub("\\|.*$","| ...",functions)

    if (sumByFunction) {

      plotCPM$functions <- as.factor(functions)  # already in right order so paste in
      plotCPM <- plotCPM %>% group_by(Treatment, functions) %>% summarise(CPM=log2(mean(CPM) + 1))
      # group transcripts
      summedCPM <-

    if (!is.null(names(customGenes)) | all(customGenes %in% plotCPM$functions)) {
      plotCPM$functions <- factor(plotCPM$functions, levels=as.character(customGenes))
    p <- ggplot(plotCPM, aes(x = functions, y = Treatment)) +
      geom_tile(aes(fill = CPM)) + theme_minimal() +
      scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0,0)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0,0)) +
      labs(size = "CPM (log2)", fill="CPM (log2)") +
      scale_fill_gradient(low = 'lightgoldenrodyellow', high = 'red', na.value = 'grey82') +
      scale_size_continuous(breaks= function(x) seq(round(x[1]), round(x[2]), length.out = 4)) +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5, size = 6), panel.grid = element_blank(), panel.background = element_rect(fill='grey82'))
    if (!is.null(names(customGenes))) {
      p <- p + scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0,0), labels=names(customGenes))#[order(customGenes)])
    if (!is.null(customScale)) {
      if ([3])) {
        customScale <- c(customScale,4)
      p <- p + scale_fill_gradient(low = 'lightgoldenrodyellow', high='red', na.value = 'grey82', limits = c(min(customScale), max(customScale)),
                                   breaks = seq(min(customScale), max(customScale), length.out = customScale[3]))

plotPieByTreat <- function(f = fit, dge=dge_salmon, functions = funcs, m = metadata, contrastCols = c(2), keepN = 100, func.source = 'Pfam', clust=F,
                               customGenes=NULL, sumByFunction=T, targetTaxLevel='best_tax_level', abbrevFunctions=T, abbrevTax=F, collapseTo='concat') {
  # get log cpm differential expression
  de <- cpm(dge, log = F, prior.count = 0)
  if (is.null(customGenes)) {
    genesToKeep <- rownames(topTable(f, coef = contrastCols, lfc=minLFC, number = keepN))
  } else {
    genesToKeep <- unique(customGenes)
    genesToKeep <- genesToKeep[genesToKeep %in% rownames(de)]
    if (length(genesToKeep) < length(customGenes)) {
      print(paste0("WARNING!!! You asked for ", length(customGenes), " but ", length(customGenes) - length(genesToKeep), " didn't exist. Is there a reason?"))
  plotCPM <- melt(de[genesToKeep,])
  colnames(plotCPM) <- c('Transcript','Sample','CPM')
  plotCPM$Treatment <- m[as.character(plotCPM$Sample), collapseTo]
  # group samples by treatment
  if (clust) {
    deDist <- vegdist(de[genesToKeep,], method = 'euc')
    deClust <- hclust(deDist, method = 'average')
    sampDist <- vegdist(t(de[genesToKeep,]), method='euc')
    sampClust <- hclust(sampDist, method='average')
    plotCPM$Sample <- factor(plotCPM$Sample, levels=sampClust$labels[sampClust$order])
  } else {
    plotCPM$Treatment <- factor(plotCPM$Treatment, levels = sort(unique(as.character(plotCPM$Treatment))))
    plotCPM$Sample <- factor(plotCPM$Sample, levels = unique(as.character(plotCPM$Sample[order(plotCPM$Treatment)])))
  # subset functions and make rownames
  rownames(functions) <- as.character(functions$cluster)
  # get the functions in the right order
  if (length(unique(as.character(functions[unique(as.character(plotCPM$Transcript)), 'best_tax_level']))) < 99) {
    tax <- as.character(functions[unique(as.character(plotCPM$Transcript)), targetTaxLevel])
  } else if (targetTaxLevel == 'best_tax_level'){
    print("You have >99 different tax levels, but stubbornly want them (change targetTaxLevel to  be 'tax_scope' if you repent)")
    tax <- as.character(functions[unique(as.character(plotCPM$Transcript)), 'best_tax_level'])
  } else {
    print("You have >99 different tax levels, aggregating to tax_scope instead of best_tax_level")
    tax <- as.character(functions[unique(as.character(plotCPM$Transcript)), 'tax_scope'])
  functions <- as.character(functions[unique(as.character(plotCPM$Transcript)),func.source])
  ##functions[] <- ""  # make na's blank strings so doesn't skip over
  tax[] <- "Unknown"  # make na's blank strings so doesn't skip over
  if (abbrevFunctions == T){
    functions <- gsub("\\|.*$","| ...",functions)
  if (abbrevTax == T){
    tax <- gsub("\\|.*$","| ...",tax)
  if (sumByFunction) {
    plotCPM$functions <- as.factor(functions)  # already in right order so paste in
    plotCPM$tax <- as.factor(tax)  # already in right order so paste in
    plotCPM <- plotCPM %>% #group_by(Treatment, functions, tax) %>% summarise(CPM=sum(CPM)) %>%  
      group_by(Treatment, functions, tax) %>% summarise(CPM=sum(CPM)) %>% mutate(normCPM = CPM/sum(CPM), cumCPM = log2(sum(CPM) + 1))

  # make a very inelegant legend
  plotCPM <- rbind(, 
                   data.frame(Treatment=paste0('LEGEND',seq(round(min(plotCPM$cumCPM)), round(max(plotCPM$cumCPM)), length.out = 5)), 
                              functions=rep('LEGEND',5), tax=rep('LEGEND',5),
                              CPM=seq(round(min(plotCPM$cumCPM)), round(max(plotCPM$cumCPM)), length.out = 5), 
                              normCPM=seq(round(min(plotCPM$cumCPM)), round(max(plotCPM$cumCPM)), length.out = 5), 
                              cumCPM=seq(round(min(plotCPM$cumCPM)), round(max(plotCPM$cumCPM)), length.out = 5)))
  plotCPM[] <- 0  # fix cases where it's 0/0 for normCPM

  ggplot(plotCPM, aes(x = cumCPM/2, y = normCPM, fill=tax, width=cumCPM)) + #x=functions
    coord_polar("y", start = 0) + theme_void() +
    geom_bar(position = 'fill', stat = 'identity') + 
    facet_grid(Treatment~functions) +
    scale_fill_hue(na.value = 'black') +
    scale_size_continuous(breaks= function(x) seq(round(x[1]), round(x[2]), length.out = 4)) +
    labs(fill= 'Best taxonomy')

The cluster IDs for transcripts of interest were manually identified based on high coverage and predicted function and are specified here:

nstella_polyA <- setNames(c("cluster1117","cluster4836","cluster34930", "cluster13217", "cluster59869",
                            "cluster5632", "cluster57","cluster29558","cluster19494"), 
                          c("GOGAT","GS","GDH", 'NNP', "NRT", 
                            "nirK", "nor", "Fe-hydrogenase","PFOR"))

barg_polyA <- setNames(c("cluster3668","cluster26749","cluster206540", "cluster8555", "cluster56220", 
                         "cluster31395", "cluster249","cluster62445", "cluster155620"), 
                       c("GS","GOGAT","GDH", "NNP", "NRT",
                         "nirK", "nor", "Fe-hydrogenase","PFOR"))

For each host, the plot and statistics were then generated as follows:

dset <- 'nstella_polyA'
plotCpmByTreat(f = fit_salmon_oxygen, functions = clustHomogeneity, dge = makeDGE(counts_salmon_oxygen, mCol = 'oxygen'), m = metadata, sumByFunction = T,
                   contrastCols = c("oxygenanoxiaOnly","oxygenhypoxia","oxygenaerated","oxygenanoxiaSulfide"), keepN = Inf, func.source = 'cluster',
                   customGenes = get(dset), abbrevFunctions = F, customScale = c(0,14,5))
ggsave(paste0("plots/Figure2B_", dset, "_heatmap.pdf"), width=5, height=3)
write.table(x=topTable(fit_salmon_oxygen, number = Inf)[get(dset),], file = paste0("plots/Figure2B_", dset, "_DE_oxygen.tsv"), 
            sep = "\t", quote = F, row.names = paste0(get(dset), " (", names(get(dset)), ")"), col.names = NA)
write.table(x=topTable(fit_salmon_amendment, number = Inf)[get(dset),], file = paste0("plots/Figure2B_", dset, "_DE_Amendment.tsv"), 
            sep = "\t", quote = F, row.names = paste0(get(dset), " (", names(get(dset)), ")"), col.names = NA)

We then compared the expression and predicted taxonomy of the de novo assembled nuclear- and plastid-encoded transcripts from the Trio data as below:

# GAPDH, PGK, and rubisco via Pfam, FCP via EggNOG free text
plotPieByTreat(f = fit_salmon_oxygen, functions = clustHomogeneity, dge = makeDGE(counts_salmon_oxygen, mCol = 'oxygen'), m = metadata, sumByFunction = T,
                   contrastCols = c("oxygenanoxiaOnly","oxygenhypoxia","oxygenaerated","oxygenanoxiaSulfide"), keepN = Inf, func.source = 'Pfam', collapseTo = 'oxygen',
                   customGenes = c(clustHomogeneity$cluster[grep("^Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, C-terminal domain$|Phosphoglycerate kinase|^Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase large chain, [a-z ]*$|^Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, small", clustHomogeneity$Pfam)],
                                   clustHomogeneity$cluster[grep("fucoxanthin chlorophyll", clustHomogeneity$eggNOG_free_text_description)]) ,
               abbrevFunctions = F)

Which produced the raw plot for Figure 1B that was manually colored and arragned.
